Managed IT Services In Southern New England

What is Managed IT Service? How can it be benefitial to your business?

The IT costs for small businesses are disproportionately high – costs are around $2,800 per employee for a small business, in contrast to less than $700 per person for larger organizations.

Businesses simply cannot afford to provide the required IT support while simultaneously maximizing company growth. Some of the notable pros/benefits of hiring a 3rd party to manage your business IT are:

  • Filling the skills gap: managed services are perfect for teams that do not have the skill, time, or experience internally to manage the technical estate. Trusting TechToucan to provide this service means your internal resources and focus on innovation and growth without getting bogged down on mundane tasks.

  • Cost savings: Building an internal IT team and technical estate is costly and unpredictable. Outsourcing to TechToucan means that your IT operations will be more cost-effective, with predictable costs that make budgeting simple.

  • Reliability: As your managed service provider, TechToucan will be responsible for your services and support under a strict service level agreement. That means that we take an active interest in minimizing downtime and issues, with a proactive approach to patches and upgrades, unlike an internal team that will likely have multiple tasks to juggle.

Technology is integral to businesses of all types – without dependable IT, your business will struggle to compete. That’s why it is so important to ensure that your technical infrastructure is kept in optimal condition: downtime means lost business and reduced revenues.

At TechToucan, we know that not all businesses can achieve their operational and growth goals if they also have to pay for a full internal IT team and the accompanying oversight, benefits, and training – that’s where we step in.

Our Managed IT Services Include the Following

IT Department ICON

Device Foorprint Monitoring:

We will follow your devices in real-time by attributes like assignee, location, department, and more.

Device Recovery ICON

Device Recovery:

In case of a lost device, we will leap into action, recovering the company data while attempting to retrieve the device.

Asset Overview ICON

Holistic IT Asset Overview:

We will keep an account of all your IT devices, both those in use and in storage. This account will guide your future investments in additional devices by ensuring you make full use of the devices you've already invested in.

Interactive Asset Labels ICON

Interactive Asset Labels:

We will provide easy access to important information about each device by giving each one a unique QR code label that leads to a device profile.

Routine Audits ICON

Routine Audits:

We will audit your IT assets' hardware and software for updates and improvements, and we will carry them out accordingly. We will also ensure that these assets follow compliance regulations.

Login and Authorize icon ICON

Unauthorized Login & Software Monitoring:

We will track when employees sign in or install software not authorized by the company to prevent potential security threats, flagging all instances for review. This is a necessary step towards improving the security of the IT infrastructure.


Device Repairing:
If a device needs hardware repair, rest assure TechToucan Solution's subsidiary company TechToucan Repair will  provide the labor for device repair. 

If you want to outsource your IT or are considering changing your IT managed services provider, we can offer you the expertise and reliability you need for a fixed monthly cost. Serving clients across southern New England, we are well-positioned to provide you with the highest levels of service at competitive fees.